"A Crash Course in Teenage Survival" (Plus)
"Are your Standards Fences or Guardrails?"
"Behind Every Good Man: Helping Your Husband Take the Spiritual Lead at Home"
"Bytheway, Its John, 2nd verse"
"Come unto Christ: the Ultimate Invitation"
"Family Night with John Bytheway" - DVD
"First Solo: Learning to Recognize the Spirit"
"Fishing: Observations of a Reel Man"
"5 Scriptures that will help you get through almost anything"
"5 Scriptures that will motivate you to action"
"5 Things you can do Today to Bless Your Marriage" (good)
"Finding Your Path in Lehi's Dream"
"Golf: Lessons I Learned while Looking for my Ball"
"Honoring the Priesthood as a Deacon, a Teacher, and a Priest"
"How to be an Extraordinary Missionary"
"How to be an Extraordinary Teenager"
"How to be Totally Miserable: A Self-Hinder Book"
"Jesus Knows I am a Christian"
"Life Rocks!: How Firm is Your Foundation?"
"Moroni's Guide to Surviving Turbulent Times"
"Of Pigs, Pearls, and Prodigals: A Fresh Look at the Parables of Jesus"
"Righteous Warriors: Lessons from the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon"
"S.O.S.: A Teenage Guide to Getting Home in Safety" (ship's guidance systems analogy)
"Sports: Life Lessons from Court, Field, and Gridiron"
"Stand ye in Holy Places" (car-circle, exchange student, shoplifting)
"Suit up: Hasten your Preparation"
"The Best Three Hours of the Week: Getting the Most out of your CHURCH Meetings" (also on DVD)
"The John Bytheway Collection" Vol. 1
"The John Bytheway Collection" Vol. 2
"The John Bytheway Collection" Vol. 3
"The Parable of the Marinade" (very good)
"The Tour de Family: Doing your Part to Help your Family Succeed"
"Turn off The TV and Get a Life" (Plus)
"We Seek after These Things: the 13th Article of Faith"
"Weed Your Brain, Grow Your Testimony"
"What I wish I'd known before my Mission"
"What I wish I'd known in High School: the Second Semester"
"When Times are Tough: 5 Scriptures that will help you through almost anything"
"What I wish I'd known when I was Single (how to do life as a young adult"
"What's in your Backpack? - (also on DVD)
"What we wish we'd known when we were newlyweds"
"You're gonna make it through Junior High"
"Go and Do: Youth Theme 2020" (plus)
"God Knows You're Amazing" (Plus)
"LYFSGUD If God Sent You a Text Message"(Plus)
"Who's That Girl" (Plus)
"Dare to Be Different" (Plus)
"Free Samples" (Plus)
"J.A.M. Sandwiches" (Plus)
"Life is a Football Game" (Plus)
"Dating: and the Plan of Happiness" (Plus)
"52 Life-Changing Questions from The Book of Mormon" (Plus)
"Funeral Potatoes" (Plus)
"I can do hard things" (Plus)
"Q & A: common questions and powerful answers for LDS youth"
"Stop the Ward, I want to Get Off" (Plus)
"The big picture: 20 family-friendly lessons on God's plan for you."
"The Compare Dare" (Plus)
"The Dog Ate My Scriptures" (Plus)
"You are what you speak: Why choosing your words matters" (Plus)
"What guys need to know about girls; what girls need to know about guys." (Plus)
"Are you a Bushel or a Candlestick?: Letting Your Light Shine" (Plus)
"Bad Day, Great Life" (Plus)
"Change your Words, Change your World" (Plus)
"Great Mess to Greatness" (Plus)
"Preparing for the Second Coming" (Plus)
"Recipe for Revelation" (Plus)
"Becoming a Fearless Missionary" (Plus)
"Engage in the Battle" Latter-day strategies for today's Stripling Warriors(Plus)
"My Soul Hungered and My Stomach Growled"
"Running Down Your Dreams" (setting goals)
"The Hank Smith Collection" (10 talks)
"10 Reasons Why Joseph Smith Is a Prophet"
"Why - Powerful Answers and Practical Reasons for Living LDS Standards" - DVD
"Changing the World - One Lunch Period at a Time"
"If I'm forgiven, why does my past still bother me?"
"I'll never do it again and other broken promises"
"Keep Texting from Taking Over"
"Learning not earning heaven" (good)
"Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts"
"Pornography - Satan's Counterfeit"
"Sex is like an apple: don't spoil a good thing."
"Stay in the Lifeboat - Don't Let the World Pull You Under"
"The Continuous Atonement for Teens"
"Tips For Tackling Teenage Troubles"
"To Be Like a Child"(Plus)
"What on Earth are you thinking?"
"Higher Ground - Safeguarding Your Sexual Purity" - Gary & Joy Lundberg (2 CDs)
"You are Lionproof" (Plus)
Decide Now to Surround Yourself With Greatness (Plus)
"How Awesome Will It Be?: A Teenagers Guide to Understanding and Preparing for the Second Coming" (Plus)
"Remember, Remember, Remember" (Plus)
"The Best is yet to Come" (Plus)
"Overcoming Spiritual Slumps" (Plus)