Good Books and CDs from the Library

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Sheri Dew

"Amazed by Grace"

"Famous Last Words" (given at BYU Women's Conference)

"4 Things that will wreck your life and 4 Truths  that will save it"

"Go Forward with Faith: The Biography of President Gordon B. Hinckley"

"God Wants a Powerful People"

"Living on the Lord's Side of the Line"

"No Doubt About It"

"No One Can Take Your Place"

Sheri Dew Collection: 7 Talks on CD:  "The Savior Heals Without a Scar" - "God Wants a Powerful People" - "Famous Last Words" - "Living on the Lords's Side of the Line" - This is a Test, it is Only a Test" - "If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard" - Awake, Arise, and Come unto Christ."

"The Savior Heals without a scar" - Sheri Dew & Wendy Watson Nelson

"Women and the priesthood"

"Worth the Wrestle"

John Bytheway

"Behind Every Good Man: Helping Your Husband Take the Spiritual Lead at Home"

"5 Things you can do Today to Bless Your Marriage"

"What we wish we'd known when we were newlyweds"

Brad Wilcox

"If I'm forgiven, why does my past still bother me?"

"Learning not earning heaven" (good)

"Raising ourselves to the bar: practical advice and encouragement for the next generation of missionaries and their parents"

David Ridges

"Doctrinal details of the Plan of Salvation: from Premortality to Exaltation"

"Priesthood Power Unlocked"

65 Signs of the Times: leading up to the Second Coming

S. Michael Wilcox

"The Michael Wilcox Collection (6 CDs and bonus DVD):  "Fourth Watch: Receiving Divine Help When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered" - "Walking on water: when the Lord asks the impossible" - "Your faith becometh unshaken: building your testimony pyramid" - "When all Eternity Shook: finding hope and healing in the Savior's sacrifice" - "Seeing as God sees: discovering the wonder of ourselves and others" - "The Jesus we need to know" - DVD: Time out for women: It's a creation, not a gift.

"Don't Leap with the Sheep: and other Scriptural Strategies for Avoiding Satan's Snares"

"When your Prayers seem unanswered"

"Fire in the Bones: William Tyndale--Martyr, Father of the English Bible"

"What the Scriptures Teach us About Raising a Child, About Adversity, and about Prosperity"

Clayton M. Christensen

How Will You Measure Your Life?

The Power of Everyday Missionaries

Other Authors to Check Out

Brent L. Top

Jeffrey R. Holland

Stephen R. Covey

Bruce R. McConkie


"The Ultimate List of LDS Classics Every Mormon Should Read" - LDSLiving