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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Edgar Albert Guest

MOST every day
I find my way
Made smoother,
Brighter, by a friend;

Some kindly word
My heart has stirred
And caused my
Spirits to ascend.

A handclasp here,
A smile sincere,
A kindly deed
In friendship done

Have made me feel
That life is real
And I have gladly
Journeyed on.

Where'er I turn
'Tis but to learn
The sweetness of
The heart of man,

For everywhere
Are friends, I swear,
Who smooth my path
Where'er they can.

There is no day
Howe'er so gray
But what some friend
With cheerful voice

Is glad to share
My bit of care
And give me
Reason to rejoice.