Light Quotes

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Quotes About Light

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. "

Spencer W. Kimball  (Conference Report, Sotckholm Sweden Area Conference, 1974, page 49)

"Like a glowing searchlight of goodness is the life of Jesus as he ministered among men. "

Thomas S. Monson, "The Paths Jesus Walked," Ensign, May 1974, 48

"In response to the energy crisis of the late 1970s, the Oakland California Temple turned many of its outside lights off.  Almost immediately the San Francisco Port Authority requested they be relit. The temple is located on a hillside across from the Golden Gate Bridge, which enables its lights to serve as an important reference point for ships navigating into the harbor."

Richard F. Taylor, "For Each Season of My Life," Ensign, Sept. 2002, 18:

"Most burning issues generate far more heat than light."

"You know, don't you, that prayer turns on the light?  When you make prayer a regular part of your life, you begin walking in the light, in the straight and narrow  way. . . .

"Let the Lord be your light.  Let Him prepare the way before you to your promised land. 'There [is] . . . no life so dark [that] he cannot light' (Sam Cardon and Steven K. Jones, 'Come unto Him,' New Era, Apr. 1995, 10).   You don't have to be a prophet like Lehi or the brother of Jared. Just be you--with a hunger and thirst for righteousness.  Trust Him.  Keep your eyes riveted on your goal across the field and walk in the straight and narrow path of the Son--the Son of God. I testify of the light and the Spirit that comes from Jesus Christ."

Sharon G. Larsen, "Your Light in the Wilderness," Ensign, May 1999, 90-91

"Every time we navigate safely on this great and narrow way there are other ships that are nearly lost or which are lost which can find their way because of our light."

Quoted by Ardeth G. Kapp, "You're Like a Mother," Ensign, Oct. 1975, 57

"Light tomorrow with today."

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"By using the Light of Christ to discern and choose what is right, we can be led to an even greater light: the gift of the Holy Ghost.  I testify that through the Restoration of the gospel and the holy priesthood of God, disciples of Jesus Christ in these latter days have the power to give the gift of the Holy Ghost.  It is bestowed by the laying on of hands by those who have the authority of the priesthood, and it is received by those who have followed the principles of faith and repentance and have received the ordinance of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.

"The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, a personage of spirit.  He is the Comforter, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of Promise.  He testifies of Jesus Christ, His work, and the work of His servants upon the earth.  He acts as a cleansing agent to purify and sanctify us from sin. He comforts us and brings peace to our soul.  The right to His constant companionship is among the greatest gifts we can receive in mortality, for by the light of His promptings and His cleansing power, we can be led back into the presence of God."

(Robert D. Hales, "Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light," Ensign, May 2002, 70)

"The word of the Lord in the scriptures is like a lamp to guide our feet, . . . and revelation is like a mighty force that increases the lamp's illumination manyfold."

(Dallin H. Oaks, "Scripture Reading and Revelation," Ensign, Jan. 1995, 7)

"The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing."

(Thomas S. Monson, "The Lighthouse of the Lord: A Message to the  Youth of the Church," Ensign, Feb. 2001, 2)

"The gospel gives us glimpses of the far horizon, revealing a glow from the lights of the City of God."

Neal A. Maxwell (Ensign, May 1986)

"As members of the Church, you should expect to be different from your peers in the world. . . . But don't be dismayed. Those with eyes to see will recognize you as a light on a hill. They will come through the darkness of these last days to be with you." 

Robert D. Hales, August 2003 BYU Commencement 

"Look to the lighthouse of the Lord.  There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue."

President Thomas S. Monson  -  "The Lighthouse of the Lord" - Ensign, Feb. 2001

"We should seek at all times to purify ourselves and to lead such worthy lives that the Light of Christ emanates from us in all that we say and do."   

Elder M. Russell Ballard - Ensign, May 2000, 33

"In this world, the darkness is never far away...If we let the light of the Spirit flicker or fade by failing to keep the commandments..., the darkness of the adversary will surely come in."

Robert D. Hales, "Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light," Ensign, May 2002

"Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek."

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - Ensign, Nov. 1999, 36

"Yes, the world needs contact with the heavens in this day and age. The world needs a prophet. Little does the world generally realize that the Lord is revealing his mind and will through his living prophets today. As Latter-day Saints and members of the Lord's church, we are truly a light set upon a hill, and it is our privilege and responsibility to assist in the great work of the Savior in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. "It is of the utmost importance that we as Latter-day Saints have the light of truth, which comes from the Lord himself, burning within our souls, and that that light shall so shine that others may be led to find the way to salvation, exaltation, and eternal life. Jesus has said: 'I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.' (John 8:12)

 Joseph Anderson, "The Living Christ," Ensign, Dec. 1971, p. 128

"Sometimes people ask,  'Why do I have to go to sacrament meeting?' or  'Why do I have to live the Word of Wisdom, pay tithing?  Why can't I have one foot in Babylon?'   May I tell you why?  Because spiritual pedaling takes both feet!  Unless you are fully engaged in living the gospel—living it with all of your heart, might, mind and strength—you cannot generate enough spiritual light to push back the darkness." 

Robert D. Hales, "Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light," Ensign (CR), May 2002, p.69