A Beautiful Morning


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Dawn Lit By Justice

There must be a beautiful morning somewhere 
A dawn lit by justice and judgment is fair 
A place where a helping hand is held out 
An ear that will listen stands poised and devout

A place you can go when your heart needs attending 
A place where a spirit gets healing and mending 
A place where love's fire burns bright day and night 
And in from the cold you may warm by its light

There must be a brilliant evening somewhere 
Where the sun finally sets on pain and despair 
Where the coming of night is not filled with grief 
And comforting sleep brings you joyful relief

A place where the sunset is apt to reflect 
A day without malice, without disrespect 
A place where the only tears shed, are for joy 
And a heart is not battered and bounced like a toy

There must be a wonderful day somewhere 
In a place filled with love and a great need to care 
A place where the burdens of conflict are lifted 
Where love is a skill and all lovers are gifted

Where daily are spoken the words that support 
And every mistake is not met with retort 
A place where the land has not soaked up the blood 
Where honor and truth are not cast in the mud

A place where the children are not left alone 
Where Sisters and Brothers may come to atone 
Where homeless and helpless don't cower in fright 
Where the hearts and the minds of the world can unite

So you set on a journey to seek out this land 
With compass and map and a vision so grand 
To find peace and comfort in a world that's so new 
Where waters are crystal and skies are so blue

With showers that cleanse and winds that refresh 
Where the spirit is fed and not just the flesh 
But search as you may, what you'll find to be true 
That it cannot be found, until it's found within you. 

Author Unknown