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Author Unknown

Lord, help me to live from day to day 
- In such a self-forgetful way, 
That even when I kneel to pray 
My prayers shall be for "others. . ."

Help me in the work I do, 
Ever to be sincere and true, 
And know that all I do for you, 
Must needs be done for "others. . ."

Let self be crucified and slain, 
And buried deep for all in vain, 
It's efforts be to raise again,
unless to live for "others. . ." 

And when my work on earth is done, 
And my new work in Heaven's begun, 
May I forget the crown I've won. 
While thinking still for "others."

"Others," Lord, yes, "others," 
Let this my motto be. 
Help me to live for "others," 
For then I live for Thee.