Charles W. Penrose's Experience


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Charles W. Penrose

Charles W. Penrose spent years of service in the British Mission.  In one of the districts where he established a branch of the Church, he did a very charitable act.  Because there was no furniture in the place where the meetings were being held, he brought a small table and some chairs of his own for the use of the people.  Later, when the branch was a little more self-sustaining, he took the furniture home which he had loaned.

A gossip, seeing a wagon taking some of the furniture from the meeting house, started a whispering campaign--  "...Brother Penrose is taking church property to his own house, etc., etc."

When Brother Penrose heard "what he had done", he was very angry at first.  He soon cooled off and wrote the inspiring words,  "School thy feelings, oh, my brother--train thy warm impulsive soul."