Promises for Paying Tithing

God always keeps his promises

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

What YOU Must Do to Receive the Promised Blessings

What You Must Do

Live the Law of Tithing

Joseph B. Wirthlin - "Windows of Light and Truth" Oct. 1995 General Conference (quoting Pres. Hinckley & Malachi)

What You Must Do

Pay Your Tithing

President Gordon B. Hinckley - January 26, 1997 - Guatemala City North and South 
Regional Conference

Joseph B. Wirthlin

The Lord's Promises to You

There is the great boon of health.

The Lord shall rebuke the devourer for our sakes.

Will bless the fruits of our ground.

Blessings of earthly abundance.

Blessings of spiritual abundance --blessings of infinite and eternal worth.

Great spiritual blessings.

Joseph B. Wirthlin - "Windows of Light and Truth" Oct. 1995 General Conference (quoting Pres. Hinckley & Malachi)

President Gordon B. Hinckley

The Lord's Promises to You

Cure for Poverty


President Gordon B. Hinckley - January 26, 1997 - Guatemala City North and South Regional Conference

President Gordon B. Hinckley

The Lord's Promises to You

"Do you have financial problems?  Do you worry about money?  Of course you do.  Pay your tithing.  That doesn't mean you will all get rich...But you will have enough to be happy."

President Gordon B. Hinckley, May 1996 Ensign, p. 107.  Regional Conference, Plano, Texas.