What is Your Ratio of Education vs. Entertainment?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Learning is a Treasure

Education and Entertainment

Education and entertainment (recreation) are both needed as a part of our life. The Proclamation on the Family mentions wholesome recreational activities as part of successful families.

A 2010 study by the Department of Labor showed that the average person (in the United States) spends 42 hours in recreation for every one hour of education. That is a huge imbalance!

What is your ratio of education to entertainment?

What can you do to increase your ratio?

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and enables us to improve ourselves and the world. Education opens our eyes and changes our perspective. It also helps us to give more value to people, and thus to earn a better income.

Take a look at your average week. How many hours are devoted to education? How many hours are used for recreation? Strive for a better balance.