It is All For The Best

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Henry Weeks Sanderson

The hearts that are fondest and trust
are those that have burdens to bear.
The soul that is noblest and purest
has been tried in the furnace of care.

The face that is lit with the sunlight,
that shines through the soul from God's throne,
is the face that will lead your steps upward
to the heights that its own soul hath won.

If the road that you tread has grown weary,
if the hopes of your heart have gone down.
Remember t'was done for a purpose,
God giveth the crops and the crowns.

No burden will ever be given,
unless we have strength to endure.
If always our hearts could be merry,
t'would be hard for our souls to be pure.

But how could we feel for our neighbor,
if we never had sorrow at home?
God knew how t'was best to create us,
that his work and his will might be done.