Behold the Man

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Keith B. McMullin

To men of old there came in time
The priesthood named for Aaron.
Through Levites, priests, and prophets too,
It served to bless God’s children.

Then came the Savior of the world
And sought out one named John,
To be baptized by this same power
And mark salvation’s dawn.

In latter days this selfsame power
Was again restored to earth,
That gospel truths from first to last
Might in one’s soul find birth.

Aaronic Priesthood, truth sublime,
In preparation come—
That redemption might be had
Through God’s Beloved Son!

And he who ministers these powers—
’Tis not a mere boy that can.
With priesthood mantle on him fixed
We say, “Behold the man!”