What A Blessed Season Is Christmas

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Penn Richards

What a blessed season is Christmas!
The whole World borrows from the treasure of the Christ.
Without knowing, the world declares the presence of God.
There are lights to display the Light of the World.
Ornaments hang on trees as God's Son hung upon that sacred tree.

On Christmas Eve couples seek repose as Mary and Joseph that day of old.
Morning presents lovingly wrapped as the Child in swaddling clothes.
Angels in the windows peering, messengers from on high,
Songs sung in choir imitating heavenly hosts.
Shoppers seeking the prefect gift as the Magi seek the new born King.

Candy canes as shepherd crooks banded red, weeping blood upon the brow.
Wreaths wrought upon the door, a woven thorny crown.
Throngs parading, oblivious to the glory that walks among them.
God’s gift of Love, a season of hope, giving birth to a new year,
A new Era upon which this moment ushers in eternity.
The World may not know, but it declares the Salvation of our Lord.