Addiction - Overcoming Addiction
Family: I will honor my parents and strengthen my family
Friendship: I will seek good friends
Godhood: Separate, Yet One in Purpose
Media: I will read and watch pleasing things
Music: I will listen to pleasing music
Prophets (Latter-day)
Lorenzo Snow - The Windows of Heaven (Tithing) - Video George Albert Smith (Kindness/Charity - Video clip
David O. McKay - Video clip
Spencer W. Kimball - "Listen and Obey" - Video clip
Ezra Taft Benson - Video clip
Howard W. Hunter - Eternal Families - Video clip
Gordon B. Hinckley (Clean Speech) - Video clip
President Thomas S. Monson
Purity: I will keep my mind and body pure
Sabbath: "I will keep the Sabbath Day Holy"
Sabbath: "Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy"
Scriptures: Saved by the Scriptures
Second Coming: Prepare for His Return
Temple: I will be worthy to go to the Temple