Mormon Women for Ethical Government

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

MWEG is Redefining Political Engagement

How Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) Is Redefining Political Engagement

On this Inauguration Day, we are thrilled to spotlight Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG), a nonpartisan organization that empowers women of faith to engage in civic and political work rooted in ethical principles.

Founded in 2017, MWEG has grown from a small group of friends into a thriving community united by a commitment to advocate for ethical government and promote peacemaking.

Guided by their core principles—faithful, nonpartisan, peaceful, and proactive—MWEG is transforming the way civic engagement is approached within the Latter-day Saint community.

In this interview, we explore the origins of MWEG, their mission, and their impactful work advocating for democracy, immigration reform, environmental stewardship, racial equity, and the well-being of children and families.

We also discuss how MWEG equips women to be informed voters and principled leaders while fostering understanding across political divides. Keep reading to discover how this inspiring organization is shaping a new path forward for women of faith in the public sphere.

Can you tell us a little bit about how your organization was founded and what your goals are?

MWEG was created by a group of female friends in response to the 2017 Muslim ban. Many of the women who initially joined had personal experiences working with refugees after calls to do so came from church leadership. They organized on Facebook and in a matter of weeks the group grew from less than 10 to thousands of members.

We are the first and only nonpartisan grassroots organization working to enfranchise and empower women who are part of the LDS faith community. Our growth has given us the opportunity to dispel myths about women of our faith as well as to offer our members an opportunity to do politics completely differently.

Foundational to all of our efforts are our four core principles: Faithful, Nonpartisan, Peaceful and Proactive. These are our guardrails and we make sure that everything we do is in alignment with them.

We are guided by a two part mission: to advocate for ethical government and to empower women to be peacemakers and independent civic actors. We work to fulfill the first part of that mission by engaging in five advocacy areas, always with the aim to promote a more peaceful and just society.

We do advocacy at the state and federal level, and decide what to work on based on two qualifications: does this align with our principled of ethical government? And do we feel that our members can make a meaningful difference?

The five areas are: protecting democracy, immigration reform, environmental stewardship, rooting out racism and supporting children and families.

The second part of our mission is to empower women and help them develop their capacity as citizens. We do that work in four areas.
First, we help them develop strong information analysis and media literacy skills so that they are operating from a foundation of objective truth.

Second, we encourage women to develop a political identity that is grounded in principles and values rather than partisanship.
Third, we provide training and support in order to help our members increase their capacity to act as peacemakers, by learning to build bridges and de-escalate political tensions within communities.
Finally, we encourage them to expand their service in their communities by giving them the opportunities and skills necessary to contribute in civic and political spaces.

Why do you think Latter-day Saint women are an important voice in government and politics?

LDS women have a long and important history of participation in civic engagement, including the suffragist movement and movements supporting peace. We believe that we are at a unique point in history where women of our faith can again step forward to change the tone and objectives of our politics.

But to do that, we need to reject more traditional patterns and try something different. When women join us, they are given the opportunity to do the work of civic engagement with a commitment to principle and peacemaking.

This aligns very well with calls from both President Nelson and President Oaks. If you want to work with MWEG, you need to be flexible about your partisanship and firm in your peacemaking.

We also have the opportunity to do political engagement within our faith community in a way that better reflects the range of political and ideological beliefs in our church. Church leadership has been reminding us repeatedly that our faith allows for a wide range of perspectives on policy and what constitutes good government.

The days are past when we can assume that everyone sitting next to us in the pews thinks exactly as we do. And we never want those differences to be a reason that someone stops sitting in the pews.

At MWEG we are finding that there is actually enormous power in making those differences productive. When we sincerely prioritize our belief that everyone is a Child of God and of equal importance to our Heavenly Parents? Then set forward a common set of principles to work from and a pattern of engagement? Anything is possible.

MWEG focuses on promoting ethical government. How do you navigate political neutrality while advocating for certain ethical principles?

For us non-partisanship means that we strictly follow a set of self-imposed rules: we don’t endorse candidates, we don’t prioritize or advantage party efforts, and we try to use language that is respectful and nuanced and doesn’t privilege one ideological perspective over another.

But this does not mean that we are viewpoint neutral. We take positions and advocate for policy when we feel that an opportunity aligns with our principles of ethical government.

This allows us to look at things with fresh eyes, and then work together internally as an ideologically diverse group of women to find a principled path forward.

Even then, we know that some members might not agree with every position we take. And that is OK. We try to encourage our members to be well-informed and principled, so they can make personal political decisions.

Being independent in this way is an important part of our gospel teachings.

Given the polarized nature of current political discourse, how does MWEG approach difficult or divisive topics without alienating members who may hold differing views?

First, we try to ensure that our faith informs our politics, not the other way around. And one of the first signs that you are doing that well, is how you treat the people you are working with and the respect that you show for your neighbor—treating them as you would like to be treated.

Because of this MWEG is a rare example of a coalition that facilitates engagement and compromise in a truly nonpartisan way. As we work on policy initiatives, we consider different points of view.

Our leadership team is ideologically diverse. We focus on educating ourselves, understanding the topic, and dialoguing about how to best move forward. We listen to each other.

Because we are a nonpartisan organization, we intentionally work to understand opposing points of view and we weigh the merit of those views. We look to find solutions that are not beneficial to one party over another.

Peaceful solutions to our current problems are going to require innovative thinkers. We want to help women be those innovative thinkers—to approach problems in a principled way independent of party or ideology. Often this starts with talking to others who see things differently.

What have you noticed about the political climate this election cycle? What are some of the biggest hurdles you’ve faced in spreading information?

Unquestionably one of the biggest challenges has been finding good information. Knowing where to find reliable sources of information has become increasingly challenging, and the proliferation of misinformation has caused harm to government institutions and individuals.

To help our members and the general public become wise consumers of news media, MWEG has created numerous articles, meme series, and YouTube videos on news consumption, misinformation, bias, conspiracy theories, propaganda, and more.

Another challenge has been trying to help women commit to peacemaking while many candidates and political leaders do not. Our leaders set the tone of our national discourse and model certain kinds of communication for their followers.

We all get a little more exposed to rancor and aggressive comments than I think we would like!

What would you want any Latter-day Saint woman to know when going to the polls?

Your voice matters. You have power as a voter that should not be taken lightly. Even in districts where the outcome seems like a foregone conclusion, your vote matters.

Many races will be quite tight, and this is the moment when independent thinkers and principled voters can shine. They can make the difference and tip races for leaders of principle and character.

Also, it is worth it to remember that sometimes we treat our elections like running a marathon we failed to train for—that experience is going to be miserable. Instead, try to do a little bit every day to be ready to cast your vote.

Here are some simple ways to start:

1. Pay attention in the next few years. Learn more about local, state, and national candidates and how they really impact your life—not just how their enemies see them.

2. Decide that you will always vote for the candidate, not the party. This sets you free.

3. Pay attention to news about issues that concern you.

4. Develop a routine of checking reliable news sources regularly.

5. Spend time researching, learning, and discussing what ethical government means to you.

What advice would you give to women who feel hesitant to get involved in political or civic work?

First, know that your voice is not only needed but it is wanted. Don’t assume otherwise. We have been overwhelmed at the positive response that we have received from those who work with MWEG members.

Whether it is members of the press, leaders in partner organizations, members of Congress or fellow citizens, people keep coming back to ask for the support and engagement of our members because these women are bringing something remarkable to the table.

Second, don’t try to do this alone. One of the great strengths of MWEG is that we help women to use their own voices and share their own experiences. We give women the opportunity to speak before commissions, participate in press conferences, publish opinion pieces, share their perspectives with legislators, and speak to the press.

We help them to be informed voters, and give them the opportunity to help reweave our civic fabric. But we never send them in unprepared or alone. We make sure they are ready and informed.
MWEG exists to help women gain the personal skills that will allow them to share their own values and perspective in powerful and effective ways.

Do you have any impactful or powerful stories from the women you’ve worked with?

At this point? Too many to count. It has been a privilege to have a front-row seat as we have watched women step out of their comfort zones and be the means for blessing so many lives.

Can you share some of the most significant successes or milestones MWEG has achieved in promoting ethical government?

In the last year alone, MWEG members have testified in state legislatures, built parent groups to support local teachers, engaged in bridge-building and reconciliation work within their communities and families, and written public opinion pieces in support of ethical government.

We have worked on legislation at the state and national level. We have won legal battles against individuals and groups who were not acting in the interest of citizens.

And we are just getting started.

How can voters prepare themselves for future elections?

Become a principled voter—someone who understands the problems affecting both themselves and others in our society—and vote in a way to work toward solutions to those problems.

If you want to vote a different way, you need to get in the habit of asking different questions. Some we recommend:

Which issues are most important to you? Why?

What issues do you consider critical for our nation to address right now? Do you need to prioritize what is critical over what might be desirable?

Will your vote harm others or leave them behind?

Can you argue the other side of the issue? Do you understand its complexities?

Why might good, well-informed people feel differently than you do?
Finally, consider the character, preparation, and trustworthiness of candidates. Ask yourself if they are committed to the founding values of our nation and Constitutional government.

How can LDS members and leaders support MWEG’s mission, even if they are not directly involved with the organization?

By promoting peacemaking and principled leadership, and standing up for sincere allegiance to Constitutional government and the rule of law.

As we celebrate the values of democracy and ethical leadership this Inauguration Day, Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) stands as a powerful example of how women of faith can lead the charge for principled civic engagement. Their dedication to peacemaking, advocacy, and empowering women to act with integrity offers a path forward in an often polarized political climate.

If you’re inspired by MWEG’s mission, there are many ways to get involved.

Visit their website here at Mormon Women for Ethical Government to learn more about their principles, initiatives, and resources.

You can join their community, explore volunteer opportunities, or participate in their advocacy efforts to make a meaningful difference. By engaging with MWEG, you’ll not only amplify your own voice but also contribute to creating a more ethical and compassionate society.

Together, we can answer the call to lead with integrity and bring lasting change to our communities and beyond.

Original Article here at LDS Daily