Little Deeds

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Acts of Kindliness

Not mighty deeds make up the sum
Of happiness below;
But little acts of kindliness,
Which any child- may show.

A merry sound to cheer the babe,
And tell a friend is near;
A word of ready sympathy
To dry the childish tear;

A glass of water timely brought;
An offered easy-chair;
A turning of the window-blind
That all may feel the air;

An early flower unasked bestowed;
A light and cautious tread;
A voice to gentlest whisper hushed
To spare the aching head, -

Oh! deeds like these, though little things,
Yet purest love disclose,
As fragrant perfume on the air
Reveals the hidden rose.

Our heavenly Father loves to see
These precious fruits of love;
And, if we only serve him here,
We'll dwell with him above.

Poet: Unknown