The Spoken Word

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Glad and Kind

Whate'er in life we say or do
A boomerang will be,
For from the law of “like brings like”
We never can be free.

If lofty thoughts spring from your heart,
And goodness fills your mind,
The waves you send abroad in life
Will come back glad and kind.

If sin or malice taint your soul,
And fill your thoughts with hate.
Be certain that the evil waves
Will haunt you soon or late.

If you spread cheer and love around;
If noble deeds you do.
All these in time will bring reward.
And travel back to you.

If we're to help this suffering world
In thought or word or deed.
Since what we sow we're sure to reap,
It's kindness that we need.

If some weak brother falls or slips
Upon the toilsome way,
Lend him a hand, and help him rise.
And guard the things you say.

God's changeless laws are working still
And every word comes back;
And gossip's evil tongue some day
May have you on the rack.

So send kind thoughts to all mankind
Where'er the skies extend;
For each thought, be it good or bad,
Will come back in the end.

Poet: David V. Bush