My Creed

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Edgar Albert Guest

This is my creed: To be simple and kind,
I To rise every morn with a song in my heart;
To the faults in my brothers to ever be blind,
And bravely to journey, content with the part

I am playing in life; to be gentle and true,
To suffer in silence what crosses may come;
Unstintingly praising the good men I view,
When speech would be bitter to ever be dumb.

A kiss for my loved ones each morning and night,
A glad word of greeting for all whom I meet;
To keep my home happy and cheerful and bright,
A haven of rest and a spot that is sweet.

To live every day as though it were my last,
To strive to complete every task that's begun,
To go to my couch when the daylight is passed,
Content that I 'm leaving no kind deed undone.

This is my creed: Not to wince nor to falter,
But bravely to battle alone with grim fate;
No duty to dodge, and no principle alter,
To compromise never with wrong, to be great.

To succeed if I can with my crest still unspotted,
But gladly to fail if to win would mean shame;
To live all unknown with my honor unblotted,
Than hailed by the throng with a stain on my name.