Stories for Children

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

From "The Friend" Magazine

"Brother Piper's Pie"  (Honesty, Lying)

"Zack's Thanksgiving Tradition"  (Helping, Traditions)

"Mr. Greevey's Pumpkins"  (Service, Helping Others)

"Mike's Magnificent Melon"  (work, responsibility, following-through)

"House Full of Heroes" (IDEA: make cape with "H" on it--give cape and copy of story for children's birthday parties or for Christmas gifts)

"Claire and the Talent Show" (story about having no talent to share)

"Choosing Sides" (choosing right over wrong)

"Choosing Sides" (story of boys being chosen last in gym class)

"Danny's Own Lion's Den"  (dealing with a bully at school)

"Why, It's Your Birthday, Bear!"   (animal story of friendship and sharing)

"Valentine's Day?  Gruuump!"  (animal story about friendship)

"The Wise Son"

"Fireworks and a New Bike"  (about gaining a testimony/lessons learned from the scriptures)

"Sunshine Club" (children helping others)

Sharing Time: Happy Heart (giving thanks to the Lord)

"Pockets Full of Rocks" -New Era  (teaching forgiveness, etc.)

Stories with a Moral

"Bundle of Sticks" (There is strength in unity)

"Counting Wisely" (have a reason for your answer)

"Elephant and Friends" (Friends come in all shapes and sizes)

"The Ant and the Grasshopper" (Work while the sun shines)

"The Bear and Two Friends" (A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed)

"The Boasting Traveler" (He who does a thing well does not need to boast)

"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" (Do not make up stories)

"The Camel and the Baby" (Your strengths, skills, and knowledge are useless if you are not in the right place)

"The Cows and the Tiger" (Stay close to good friends)

"The Crystal Ball" (Money and Wealth do not bring happiness)

"The Dog at the Well" (Respect Your Elders)

"The Emperor's Seed"  (teaches honesty & integrity)

"The Farmer and the Well" (Cheating will not get you anything)

"The Fisherman and His Wife"  (story of greed, never being satisfied with what you have)

"The Four Students" (Be Honest and Keep Your Integrity)

"The Fox and the Grapes (It's easy to hate what you can't have)

"The Golden Touch" (don't be greedy)

"The Milkmaid and her Pail" (Don't count your chickens...)

"The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey" (You can't please everyone)

"The Miser and His Gold" (A possession is only worth what it is used for)

"The Proud Rose" (Be a friend to those in need)

"The Tale of the Pencil" (We all have strength)

"The Tortoise and the Bird" (Think of others, don't be selfish)

"The Two Frogs" (Don't get too comfortable with sin)

"The Wolf and the Shepherds" (Don't be quick to judge others)

"The Young Crab and His Mother" (Don't criticize)

"The Zen Archer" (Always Stay Humble)

"True Friends Love You Anyway" (Remember Your Friends)

"When Adversity Knocks" (Choose how to respond to a difficult situation)

Library of Congress Website of Aesop Fables for Children

Stories about Kindness

"A Glass of Milk" (A Good deed never goes unrewarded)

"The Golden Goose" 

"The Golden Goose"  (Grimm Brothers version)

"The Lion and the Mouse"

"The Lion and the Mouse"  -  site with story, coloring page, crafts & puppets for story, etc. 

"The Needle Tree" (always be kind and gracious)

"The Other Side of the Wall" (All your good actions benefit others)

"The Wet Pants" (Help others in need)