Quotes on Agency
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God Gives Us the Ingredients for Our Daily Bread
"As we have felt the spirit and made new and sacred resolves, may we now have the courage and fortitude to carry out the resolves."
-Pres. Ezra Taft Benson, Gen. Conf.-
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"Every day
are many opportunities to be nice--or not so nice."
-Rex Lee-
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"God gives
us the
ingredients for our daily bread, but He expects us to do the baking."
-William A. Ward-
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"He who picks up
end of a stick also picks up the other."
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"In the justice
of God,
we will ultimately be judged and rewarded for
what we are. And what we are is the sum total of our good and our
evil actions and
-Dallin Oaks-
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"Not only will
the righteous
desires of our hearts be granted, but also the
unrighteous desires of our hearts. Over the long run, our
held desires will govern our choices, one by one and day by day, until
lives finally add up to what we have really wanted."
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"The measure of
a man's
real character is what he would do if he knew he
would never be found out."
-Macaulay (writer)
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"You are the one
must decide whose thoughts you will entertain.
You are free to choose-but you are not free to alter the consequences
of those choices. You will be what you think about-what you
consistently allow to occupy the stage of your mind."
-Ezra Taft Benson-
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"Don't ask the Lord
to guide your footsteps unless you are willing
to move your feet."
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choices-not excuses."
-Charles Givens (book: Super Self)-
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"DOING beats stewing!"
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"We are living in a time when the best of things are on the earth... and the worst of things. Are we taking advantage of the best of things...and staying away from the worst of things?"
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"Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing and yet they give their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it, and then it's gone. But to surrender what you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying, even more terrible than dying young."
-Joan of Arc-
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"We need to add to the three R's, namely Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic, a fourth--RESPONSIBILITY."
-President Herbert Hoover-
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"If you can control your thoughts, you can overcome habits--even degrading, personal habits. If you can learn to master them, you will have a happy life."
--Boyd K. Packer--
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